Terms & Conditions

Valid from 26th March 2025 and replaces any prior version published.

These Terms and Conditions, together with the Club Guide govern the golf and tennis memberships provided by Forrester Park Limited (Club). By purchasing a membership with the Club the individual confirms they have read and agree to be bound by these Terms.

Club Information and Contact Details
Forrester Park Limited is a registered company in the UK at the following address: Tower Business Park, Kelvedon Road, Tiptree, Colchester, England, CO5 0LX. The company registration number is 02750682. VAT number 104597374.

Forrester Park Golf Club is located at:
Beckingham Road
Great Totham

Telephone: 01621 891406
Website: https://forrester-park.co.uk
Email: info@forrester-park.co.uk

"the Premises" means all of the facilities and grounds owned by Forrester Park Limited;

"the Course" means the Golf Course owned by Forrester Park Limited;

"the Courts" means the Tennis Courts owned by Forrester Park Limited;

"the Club" means Forrester Park limited;

"Clubhouse" means the main building;

“Club Shop” means the retail shop in the Clubhouse;

"Full Season" means the 12 month period running from 1st April to the 31st March each year;

"Membership" means either a golf membership entitling a person to book unlimited rounds of golf or a tennis membership entitling a person to unlimited tennis court use, subject to availability and restrictions that apply to certain categories of memberships;

"Proof of Concession" means ID i.e. passport, birth certificate, photocard driving licence or pension book, NHS Staff ID and Armed Forces ID or Discharge Book and Disabled PIP or DLA;

“Membership Card” means a card issued to a person who has purchased a membership to use the facilities at Forrester Park Limited;

“Membership Plans” means the different types of memberships offered;

“Terms” means these Terms and Conditions, together with the Club Guide.

Acceptance of Rules
  1. Both members and visitor players of Forrester Park agree to abide by these terms and conditions together with the Club Guide, available on the Forrester Park website or at the Club Shop.
  2. These Terms are subject to regular monitoring and may be changed during the course of the season. A copy of the Terms can be found on the website or requested from the Club Shop.
  3. These Terms and Conditions of Issue shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. The parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales (including in relation to any non-contractual disputes or claims).
  4. The Club excludes to the maximum extent permitted by law any liability for loss, injury or damage to persons/property in or around the premises.
  1. Some golf memberships are subject to age restrictions for concessions as follows:
    Type Restrictions
    Intermediate (30-35) Person who is aged less than 36 years old on the first day (1st April) of the relevant season.
    Under 30s Person who is aged less than 30 years old on the first day (1st April) of the relevant season.
    Under 23s Person who is aged less than 23 years old on the first day (1st April) of the relevant season.
    Junior (Under 18) Person who is aged less than 18 years old on the first day (1st April) of the relevant season.
    Child (Under 13) Person who is aged less than 13 years old on the first day (1st April) of the relevant season.
  2. Some tennis memberships are subject to age restrictions for concessions as follows:
    Type Restrictions
    Junior (Under 18) Person who is aged less than 18 years old on the first day (1st April) of the relevant season.
    Child (Under 13) Person who is aged less than 13 years old on the first day (1st April) of the relevant season.
  3. To qualify for a concession the person must:
    1. Fulfil the age criteria detailed by the Club in Clause 5 or 6;
    2. Provide proof of concession within 30 days of date of purchase either via email or by post or in person at the Club shop during its opening hours;
  4. If proof of concession entitlement is not provided within 30 days of purchase the Club will suspend that membership and deny access to the Course or Courts until the member upgrades their membership to the relevant membership for their permitted concession.
  1. Access rights and age restrictions apply to certain categories of membership.
  2. Restricted use applies to Off-Peak Golf, 5 Day Golf, Off-Peak Tennis, 5 Day Tennis, Junior and Child memberships. Please refer to the membership category schedule in the Club Guide for full details.
  3. The Club reserves the right to refuse admission and/or expel any member if, in its opinion, that person has caused nuisance, annoyance, offence or a breach of rules.
Discretion to Admit
  1. The Club reserves the right to reject an application for membership without ascribing any reason for doing so.
Basis of Contract - Digital
  1. By clicking acceptance of the Membership Terms and Conditions you will form a legally binding contract between the member and the Club.
  2. The issue of a membership and subsequent access to the premises is subject to these Terms & Conditions together with the Club Guide.
Golf Memberships
  1. Any membership obtained or used in breach of these Terms shall be automatically void and all rights conferred or evidenced by such membership shall be nullified. Any person seeking to use a membership in breach of these Terms in order to unlawfully access to the golf course may be considered to be a trespasser and may be refused entry to, or ejected from, the premises and/or may have their membership cancelled or withdrawn. No refund shall be payable to the member in respect of any unexpired portion of the membership. The Club further reserves the right to take any legal or disciplinary action against any person as it sees fit in connection with such matters.
  2. If a member is under 18 years of age, his/her parent and/or guardian are responsible for his/her actions, conduct and compliance with these Terms.
  3. Memberships must be purchased online. Assistance can be provided by telephone via the Clubhouse. Once successful payment is received by the Club, the member is issued with a membership card which they will need to collect from the Club Shop during opening hours.
  4. Membership charges are subject to annual review and members will be notified of these changes at least 28 days before they come into effect.
  5. At enrolment, members must sign the health declaration. This states the Club’s commitment to the member and the member’s commitment to the Club regarding your health.
  6. Members must declare if they are on the Sex Offenders Register prior to their application to join/renew a membership at the Club. The Club has the right to refuse a Membership at any time during the Membership process.
Junior and Child Members
  1. Parents are reminded that they are responsible for their child’s behaviour at all times when visiting Club premises.
  2. The company maintains age restrictions over the use of certain equipment and facilities and in regard to certain activities within the club. A full copy of rules governing the use of the Club with children can be found within your Club Guide. Copies are also available on the member’s website.
Family Member
  1. Only direct family members who cohabit with the primary family member, are permitted to join as a secondary family member.
  2. Secondary family members are entitled to receive a discount on their membership for any membership that is equivalent or less than the value of the primary family membership. Discounts are applied retrospectively. Contact the Club for further details.
  3. All correspondence will be sent to the primary member who will be responsible for relaying all information to the secondary members of the family.
  4. The primary member will be responsible for payment of all fees and monthly payments.
  5. When a primary member purchases a membership for a secondary family member on their account they must take responsibility for accepting these terms on behalf of the family member. In the event of the primary member terminating their membership, any secondary member will be required to become an individual member and will be bound by their own acceptance of these Terms. This may result in an increased subscription fee.
Union Fees
  1. Union Fees are not included in the membership costs and must be paid in full at the time a person joins as a member, even if they are paying for their membership on a monthly basis.
  2. Where a member can prove that they had already paid for their union membership then that fee will be refunded within 28 days of the proof being validated by the Club.
Seasonal Golf Membership
  1. Seasonal Golf Memberships at Forrester Park allow the member to book and play an unrestricted number of rounds of golf within the restricted days and times of their selected membership plan.
  2. The membership plans we offer run from the 1st April each year and the summer plans expire on the 30th September the same year whilst the full year plans expire on the 31st of March the following year.
  3. The available membership plans and their fees will vary depending upon a number of factors such as the age of the person, if they have been an existing member for a given period of time and their payment method.
  4. Although our summer and full seasons start on the 1st of April each year a person can join at any time and the fee will be adjusted to reflect an appropriate price for the number of days that their membership is effective for.
  1. To qualify for a Seasonal Golf Membership renewal subscription fee the current member must have been a Seasonal Golf Member for at least the previous 6 consecutive months and with no break in their membership before renewing.
  2. To qualify as a renewal for summer membership the current member must have been a summer member for at least the last 4 months of the previous summer season.
Upfront Payments
  1. Where a member elects to pay their membership fee upfront they must do so in full via our web site Dashboard.
Monthly Payments
  1. Where a member elects to pay their membership fee by monthly instalments the cost of the membership will be increased to reflect the demise of the fee received over the period it is being paid. The member will also need to pay a percentage of the total subscription fee upfront by way of a deposit. Members who qualify for a renewal subscription fee will be entitled to pay a lower percentage upfront of the total subscription fee.
  2. Full details of the costs of paying monthly are available on the website when purchasing a golf membership. The enrolment process provides the option to pay in full or monthly for a golf membership prior to making a commitment. The member commits to the payment schedule provided for the full duration of their membership.
  3. Where the member is paying monthly they will be required to register a payment method.
  4. Where the member elects to pay their monthly payments by a credit or debit card it is the responsibility of the member to make sure there are funds available on the card on the scheduled payment date.
  5. Where the member elects to pay their monthly payments by a credit or debit card, the member can access their online account and either change the card details to be used or pay early by another Card. Paying early is only available within 30 days of a scheduled payment date.
  6. All collections will take place on or just after the 14th of each month unless otherwise advised. Where the 14th of the month falls on a weekend or a bank holiday, payment will be collected from the member’s bank account on the next available banking day.
  7. If a payment fails, we will attempt to take the payment again after 1 day and then a further 3 days. A final attempt is made at 7 days, if this fails the membership will be suspended if payment is not received in next 7 days. An email notification will be sent to the member after each failed attempt.
  8. In the event that a monthly scheduled payment was not successfully taken on the final attempt, the ability to book rounds of golf and play on the Forrester Park Golf Course will be denied until such time that all payments are up to date. Non-payment will incur an administration fee and if a scheduled payment becomes overdue by more than 28 days, the full cost for the remainder of the member’s commitment period will become payable, in full. Once the outstanding fees have been paid in full, normal access rights will be reinstated.
VAT Charges
  1. Membership fees include VAT and changes in the applicable rate may be made by the regulatory authority from time to time. The Club reserves the right to pass on such changes at its discretion.
Pausing Membership
  1. Memberships can not be transferred or refunded, however Forrester Park offer the option to pause a membership.
  2. A member may pause their membership in the following circumstances on production of the specified 3rd party evidence:
    1. Pregnancy - Medical confirmation
    2. Ill health or injury - Doctor's letter
    3. Loss of livelihood - Proof of Income Support or redundancy
  3. Rebate is calculated as follows:
    1. No refund for the first 4 weeks after giving notice of illness/from agreed suspension of membership by the club.
    2. Thereafter accrue a rebate equal to 50% of the paused days membership cost (e.g. ten days = 5 days Membership refunded).
    3. Monthly payers will continue to pay their membership in full until they are fit to resume play. At this time they will receive any monies due to them from the calculated rebate.
  4. Should a primary family member pause their membership and there are no adult secondary members then the membership of any Junior or Child family members will also be paused.
Points Golf Membership
  1. Points Golf Memberships allow the member to purchase Forrester Park Points which they can redeem when they book their rounds of golf. Buying a Points Golf Membership provides the golfer with 12 months membership to Forrester Park Golf Course where the member can enjoy other club benefits such as entering the club competitions.
Redeeming Forrester Park Points
  1. Each Forrester Park Point is effectively worth £1.00 but the points that are bought with the membership package expire after a year so they must be redeemed within 12 months of joining.
  2. Additional Forrester Park Points, subject to a minimum volume of points as defined in the Club Guide, can be purchased at any time during the membership and those points expire when the membership expires or a year after they were purchased if the golfer renews without any break in their membership.
  3. The volume of Forrester Park Points that are to be redeemed to play a round of golf will vary based on the time of year and the time of day. The effective cost of a round of golf for a Golf Points Member is 66.66% of the cost to a visitor. For example, a round that would be priced at £30 for a visitor would require 20 Forrester Park Points to be redeemed.
  4. The member can also use their Forrester Park Points to pay for a guest visitor and the number of points they would need to redeem would effectively reduce the cost for the guest visitor. For example, a round of golf that would be priced at £30 for a visitor would require 25 Forrester Park Points to be redeemed for them to play as the member’s guest.
Additional Golf Membership Terms
  1. From time to time we will need to contact you about your membership. It is the responsibility of the member to notify the Club of any personal detail changes such as email or address details.
  2. Members can book rounds of golf for visiting guests at a discounted rate equal to £5.00 less than the price a non-member would pay for the same round at the same time.
  3. Members will be fully responsible for their guest visitors and liable to any costs their guest visitors do not pay in full before they leave.
  4. Season Golf Memberships will be entitled to 1 round of golf during the season, subject to availability, when they can invite up to 3 guests free of any green fee charges.
  5. Summer Season Members will be entitled to 1 round of golf during the summer season, subject to availability, when they can invite 1 guest golfer free of any green fee charges.
  6. The Club reserves the right to offer green fee and membership promotions throughout the season to non-members.
  7. No food or drink, alcoholic or otherwise, may be brought into and consumed within the Club or its premises.
  8. The General Manager, whose decision shall be final, shall determine any dispute that may arise with regard to the interpretation of these rules.
  9. Members and guests should comply with any reasonable request from the General Manager to facilitate the smooth operation of the Club, its facilities and for the convenience of the membership at large.
Tennis Memberships
  1. Any membership obtained or used in breach of these Terms shall be automatically void and all rights conferred or evidenced by such membership shall be nullified. Any person seeking to use a membership in breach of these Terms in order to unlawfully access to the tennis courts may be considered to be a trespasser and may be refused entry to, or ejected from, the premises and/or may have their membership cancelled or withdrawn. No refund shall be payable to the member in respect of any unexpired portion of the membership. The Club further reserves the right to take any legal or disciplinary action against any person as it sees fit in connection with such matters.
  2. If a member is under 18 years of age, his/her parent and/or guardian are responsible for his/her actions, conduct and compliance with these Terms.
  3. Memberships must be purchased online. Assistance can be provided by telephone via the Clubhouse. Once successful payment is received by the Club, the member is issued with a membership card which they will need to collect from the Club Shop during opening hours.
  4. Membership charges are subject to annual review and members will be notified of these changes at least 28 days before they come into effect.
  5. At enrolment, members must sign the health declaration. This states the Club’s commitment to the member and the member’s commitment to the Club regarding your health.
Junior and Child Members
  1. Parents are reminded that they are responsible for their child’s behaviour at all times when visiting Club premises.
  2. The company maintains age restrictions over the use of certain equipment and facilities and in regard to certain activities within the club. A full copy of rules governing the use of the Club with children can be found within your Club Guide. Copies are also available on the member’s website.
Competition Fee
  1. Only those tennis members that have paid a ‘Competition Joining Fee’ will be able to take part in any competitions. That includes all in-house competitions as well as those against other clubs. The Competition Joining Fee is an additional fee that is not included in the membership costs and must be paid in full, even if they are paying for their membership on a monthly basis.
Points Tennis Membership
  1. Points Tennis Memberships allow the member to purchase Forrester Park Tennis Points which they can redeem when they book their courts to play either tennis or pickleball. Buying a Points Tennis Membership provides the member with 12 months membership where the member can enjoy other club benefits.
  2. Courts can be booked at any time by a member but their Points can only be used based on the type of membership selected either a full 7-day membership or a 5-day membership, which covers monday to friday.
Redeeming Forrester Park Tennis Points
  1. Each Forrester Park Tennis Point is effectively worth £1.00 but the points that are bought with the membership package expire after a year so they must be redeemed within 12 months of joining.
  2. The volume of Forrester Park Tennis Points that are to be redeemed to book a court will vary based on the time of year and the time of day.
  3. Forrester Park Tennis Points can only be redeemed towards a court booking when using the online Forrester Park booking system for tennis or pickleball.
Additional Tennis Membership Terms
  1. From time to time we will need to contact you about your membership. It is the responsibility of the member to notify the Club of any personal detail changes such as email or address details.
  2. Members will be fully responsible for their guest visitors and liable to any costs their guest visitors do not pay in full before they leave.
  3. The Club reserves the right to offer discounted court fees and membership promotions throughout the season to non-members.
  4. No food or drink, alcoholic or otherwise, may be brought into and consumed within the Club or its premises.
  5. The General Manager, whose decision shall be final, shall determine any dispute that may arise with regard to the interpretation of these rules.
  6. Members and guests should comply with any reasonable request from the General Manager to facilitate the smooth operation of the Club, its facilities and for the convenience of the membership at large.
Tee Time Bookings
  1. These terms apply to tee time bookings made direct on the Forrester Park website. Refer to the Club regarding any bookings made on the BRS Golf system or direct with the Club over the phone or in person.
  2. Bookings can be made online in advance. The days and times made available for online booking are at the discretion of the Club.
  3. Payments due for a Tee Time must be made at the time of booking using either a credit/debit card.
  4. Bookings are transferable to someone else - friend or family. Player name changes must be made online by the owner of the Tee Time booking up to one hour before the scheduled tee time.
  1. A booking can be amended to add additional players or book a buggy, if available. The owner of a booking can make these amendments or send details of the booking to someone else so they can add players.
  2. Booking amendments are available online up to 1 hour before the scheduled tee time.
  1. Bookings have options to cancel and where applicable, with refunding of green fees.
  2. Any eligible refunds, as detailed below, for transactions made with a credit/debit card are subject to an admin fee of £1.
  3. Refund eligibility:
    • Cancellations within 2 hours of booking and will receive a 100% refund.
    • Cancellations more than 48 hours before the booked Tee Time will receive a 100% refund.
    • Cancellations between 24 and 48 hours of the booked Tee Time will receive a 50% refund.
    • Cancellations within 24 hours of the booked Tee Time are not eligible for any refund.
Tennis & Pickleball Bookings
  1. These terms apply to tennis or pickleball bookings made direct on the Forrester Park bookings website. Refer to the Club regarding any bookings made over the phone or in person.
  2. Bookings can be made online in advance. The days and times made available for online booking are at the discretion of the Club.
  3. Payments due for a court hire must be made at the time of booking using either a credit/debit card or using available Tennis Points.
  4. Bookings made by a member are not transferable. Non-member bookings are transferable to someone else - friend or family.
  1. Booking amendments are available online up to 1 hour before the scheduled playing time.
  1. To cancel a booking please contact the club. Eligibility for a refund, whether full or partial, is at the discretion of the club and will depend on circumstances, time of booking and notice given.
  2. Any eligible refunds may be subject to an admin fee.
Car Park
  1. The use of the car park is free for members who must not park in areas designated for specific personnel.
  2. Vehicles must adhere to the car park operating hours which can vary depending on the opening hours.
Membership Cards
  1. Membership cards are issued to a specific individual known as the member. All members including Junior and Child members will receive a membership card which they must carry on their person when visiting the Club and must be prepared to show their membership card to Club staff when asked to do so.
  2. Upon joining as a new member or as a renewing member, all adult members will need to lodge a specified amount of money onto their membership card. The lodged funds can be used at the Clubhouse to purchase selected food and drink, and retail items in the Club Shop.
  3. Using the membership card will also grant the member with a 10% discount at the Club on selected food and drink and retail items. To continue receiving the discount a member can top up their membership card in the Clubhouse.
  4. If any of the funds that were required to be lodged when joining or renewing are unspent when that season’s membership expires then those funds will be no longer usable or refundable and will therefore be removed. However, any additional funds that are lodged on the card will remain usable indefinitely.
  5. The funds on a membership card are non-refundable, non-transferable and are to be used by the named member only.
  6. The membership card cannot be resold or redeemed for cash.
  7. If a membership card is damaged, lost, stolen or destroyed, a duplicate card shall be issued by the Club as soon as reasonably practicable after the payment of a non-refundable administration fee.
  8. The Club is not responsible for a membership card that has been used without the member’s permission.
  9. A membership card that is issued to a member shall remain at all times the property of the Club and must be produced together with evidence of the member’s identity if required to do so by any employee of the Club. The Club reserves the right to require the immediate return of the membership card at any time.
  10. When purchasing with the membership card funds the discount will be applied to the final balance of a transaction after all other applicable offers, discounts or products have been applied.
  11. Purchases are deducted from the membership card balance. If a purchase exceeds the member’s card balance, the remaining amount must be paid with another payment method.
  12. Any balance paid by an additional method will not be entitled to the discount afforded to the lodged funds.
  13. Merchandise purchased using a membership card are subject to the Club’s retail Terms & Conditions of Merchandise Sales.
  14. Any misuse of membership cards will result in an immediate cancellation of membership.
  1. All members, and their guests, use the Club facilities at their own risk and the Club will accept no responsibility for any accident, illness or injury, whilst on its premises, howsoever caused, other than liability arising from negligence of the Club or its staff.
  2. Any member or guest who suffers injury or accident on the Club premises must immediately report the incident, and the circumstances under which it occurred, to the General Manager or Duty Manager.
  3. Liability for loss or damage to property of members and their guests, including property stored in lockers, vehicles and their contents, motorcycles and bicycles, parked or left on Club premises, is strictly limited to any loss suffered as a result of negligence of the Club or its staff.
Use of the Facilities
  1. The Club may at any time, without penalty, withdraw all or part of its facilities for any period with or without notice in connection with any unforeseen circumstances or any reasonable repair, alteration, cleaning maintenance work or similar reason deemed necessary for the safe operation of the Club.
  2. The Club also reserves the right to set aside facilities for social or sporting events, details of which will be notified in writing and/or published on the club website or BRS booking system.
Data Protection
  1. The website is operated by the Club. When purchasing a Membership and using member services the Club will collect and process the personal information provided by the member to provide the services requested and for other specific purposes subject to your consent or for the Club’s legitimate business interests. To learn more about the information collected, the measures put in place to protect this information and how it is used contact the Club at the contact details above.
Linked accounts between Forrester Park and Colchester United
  1. Additional terms for a Forrester Park Member account being linked to Colchester United.
  2. Additional terms for a Colchester United account being linked to Forrester Park.